My AP Physics 1 and 2 students took the National Exam last week. I think I am just as worn out as they are. I decided to try something new this year while reviewing for the AP Physics exam. Instead of giving my students a ton of practice questions, as usual, we tried a diverse and personalized review. My students felt prepared, so I am hoping this review style really reinforced their learning.

First, we did Multiple Choice Monday and FRQ Friday every week for the two months before the exam. We used a score tracker (which I wrote about later here!) to help students visualize how they were performing and where they needed improvement.

Second, the month before the exam I gave my students a practice test and scored them on each topic. Then, they had a Canvas module to review. I like to call this a “personalized menu,” or sometimes it is called a playlist. Students chose from 20-30 different assignments, encompassing all the topics on the exam. Assignments varied from multiple choice questions, FRQs, virtual labs, review videos, review lecture notes, etc. Students chose assignments based on their needs and preferred learning style, with a goal of earning 100 points however they see fit.

Here is a sample of some of the options available for the review:


This style of reviewing for the AP Physics exam was much more targeted and personalized than other things I have tried. I got to work with students in small groups on specific learning objectives they struggled with. We will see how their scores reflect this enhanced review opportunity! I will definitely try this style of review in the future.

I gave them the 2016 exam as practice last week. 100% passed. I hope that is reflective of their performance this year!